Get to know me!

4 facts about me

I love cursing and I think we should be less judgmental and taboo about it. As far as I am concerned curse words are just spicy vocabulary, and everything is better with a little spice!

Christmas is my favorite holiday hands down! Although I love Halloween and the ambiance of it, Halloween Eve cannot compare to Christmas Day!

My husband and I have been together for 13 years and have 2 dogs that have us wrapped around their paws, and we wouldn’t want it any other way.

I graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University in 2015 with my Bachelor’s Degree and from Tulane University in 2016 with my Master’s Degree.

Death Anxiety and everything else that was going wrong

It all started when I was in my early 20s. Back then, I had severe death anxiety (something I would later find out is extremely common in adults). I would have intense anxiety attacks and crying spells thinking about dying and the uncertainty of it all. In my search for answers and comfort, I turned to the traditional religious practices of my family and community. But those religious practices only triggered fears of judgment, rejection, and spending all of eternity in the fiery pits of Hell- not cool.

It didn’t help that during this time I was also struggling with anxiety, emotional overwhelm, irritability, and low self-esteem. Through it all I kept pushing, justifying why I couldn’t be happy now but I could be happy later. This sounded like “If I could just change my living situation, life would be better. If I can just be done with school and get into my career, everything would be better. If I could just get the next thing done, then I’ll be happy.”

It was during this time that I was also starting out meeting with clients at a local mental health agency as a Licensed Master Social Worker. I always thought I wanted to primarily work with teens and would be able to work with anyone else that came along. “Finally! I’m done with school and starting my career. And I’ve moved into this new beautiful house in a cute neighborhood, surly now I can be happy!”

Fuck was I wrong.

I realized everyday had become a struggle. I was pushing my husband away, sessions with clients became something I dreaded, I was always angry or irritated, and I felt like I was doing everything wrong. Why can’t I be the unconditionally positive social worker all my professors and supervisors said I needed to be?! What the fuck is wrong with me?! And on top of everything, I was still having anxiety attacks about death and what did or didn’t come after.

I knew something had to change. I knew I needed to do something different. But what?

My first taste of spirituality and energy work

That’s when a close spiritual friend of mine recommended I attend a Holy Fire Reiki workshop she was facilitating. It was through her guidance and support that for the first time ever, I felt brave enough to break down my walls and become venerable. I allowed myself to question my thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. I dared to look at what lied between religion and atheism. Spirituality.

It opened up a whole new world for me (cue Princess Jasmine song)!

When the workshop was complete, I attended other spiritual workshops, meditation circles, and read up energy work. Through these new forms of self-care, I felt some of the spark of life coming back, and I was becoming more comfortable with the existentialism of life and death. Feeling like I was on a roll, I asked my spiritual friend “What’s next? What should I do now?” She suggested getting an astrology reading. She gave me a name of a practitioner and I booked the reading.

Looking back now, I realize this was a pivotal moment in my life. Because this reading was the first time I heard about the Akashic Records. The astrologer’s exact words were “You have a direct pipeline to the Akashic Records.”

Cool! What’s that?

Discovering the Akashic Records and Soul Realignment

In doing my own research to find the answer to this I learned about Soul Realignment, and fell in love with it. I studied multiple levels and courses utilizing this modality and became a certified practitioner in 2018. And to this day it is the only modality I use for readings (both my own and my clients). It was though using Soul Realignment that I learned what my divine purpose was, who I was as a soul, and who I was not but trying to be.

(To find out more about the Akashic Records and why they can be such a reliable resource, visit the Q&A Page)

After learning about who I was as a soul and putting it into practice, I noticed a major shift in my life. I became more forgiving and compassionate to myself and others around me. I was able to let go of things that no longer served me, focus on therapeutic interventions that allowed my gifts to shine, and stop trying to be who I thought I should be and started being who I really wanted to be. I even gained the confidence to open my own practice (which 20 year old me would have never thought I would do).

Soul Realignment also drastically reduced my death anxiety, no more death related anxiety attacks for this chick!

Neurofeedback: taking my brain to the gym

Although there were a lot of things going well for me, something completely unexpected and unprecedented happened. Yeah I think you know what I’m talking about.

One of the few good things to happen during 2020 was that I was trained in the Othmer method of Neurofeedback. (To learn more about what the Othmer Method Neurofeedback is, visit the Q&A page).

It was through this training that I learned about the brain and how instabilities* and traumas manifest as symptoms and affect us.  After finding my protocol I consistently trained myself, helping my brain and nervous system become calmer and more stabilized. I also started training my clients and seeing their symptoms reduce. Amazing!

Do I still use neurofeedback on myself? Absolutely! It has helped tremendously with reducing my overall anxiety and irritability, improve my sleep and focus, and helped me move further into expressing my divine gifts and talents!

It also got me to thinking about what it means to be a divine being living in a human experience…

*Some examples of instabilities in the brain are headaches/migraines, fibromyalgia pain, difficulty focusing, and difficulty sleeping due to a busy mind just to name a few of the more common ones.

Family Generational Trauma (you mean there is more shit to heal?!)

Fast-forward to early 2023. I’m doing well in my business. I’m happy. Life is good! And then I came across a book called “It Didn’t Start With You” by Mark Wolynn.

“That would be an interesting read for later” I thought, then didn’t get it. But it kept popping up. And not only did it continue to pop up, but I had this small whispering voice in the back of my head encouraging me to read it. After awhile I realized that was my intuition, and it was guiding me to the next step of my healing journey (quick tip, your intuition will always gently whisper to you, not shout at you).

So I bought the book and after reading half of it I fell in love with the work. I quickly purchased his training for therapists. Through his training I not only healed a deeper part of myself that was unconsciously holding me back, but I found another way to incorporate spirituality and science into my therapeutic work! Finding this training was the exact same feeling I got from learning Soul Realignment! 

This training not only helped me to heal deeper parts of myself, but allowed me to become closer to my family and see them through new eyes. Eyes that were more empathetic and compassionate. 

It also helped me shed light on the unhealed parts of my clients that they were struggling with! It also encouraged me to create an alter for my own healing practices!

Combining spirituality with science

Combining spirituality and neuroscience has truly sown me that the two cannot be separated!  

We cannot ignore that our divine and beautiful souls are experiencing this world in an equally beautiful body. We cannot ignore that the very real effects of trauma can be major blocks to living into our divine self-expression! Trauma can always have us second guessing ourselves and struggling to make choices we truly want to make, instabilities can leave us feeling discouraged and can severely impact our quality of life.

One of the things my spiritual teacher constantly reminds me of is “We are divine being living a human experience.” I believe combining neuroscience with spirituality truly embodies this phrase!

Why I do what I do

Through a lot of healing and inner work, I took the plunge and discovered what ignites my soul to face the world. Now as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I love working with other women to celebrate divinity in their work, shape their dreams into goals, and find out what fills them with passion and purpose!

I’m devoted to helping my clients discover their divine purposes and gifts outside of their job titles and societal roles (because let’s be honest, we are SO much more than that)! I believe as women owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to be unapologetically authentic and divine!

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